1414 Degrees Ltd is pleased to announce the choice of a name for its groundbreaking silicon storage media, previously known as the 14D Brick.
(pictured: Dr Mahesh Venkataraman CTO, holding a SiBrick™ in front of the SiBox® Demonstration Module and a wall of SiBricks)
From 260 names suggested by shareholders, “SiBrick” has been chosen for this proprietary innovation.
The Company has lodged a trademark application for SiBrick™. SiBrick™ represents a significant breakthrough for hard to decarbonise industrial processes. It harnesses the powerful latent heat capabilities of silicon to provide zero-carbon heat for high-temperature industries.
The name was chosen after an enthusiastic response to a competition conducted through social media and email, encouraging shareholders and followers to contribute their ideas.
Among the suggestions, SiBrick™ stood out due to its association with silicon and the registered SiBox® trademark. SiBox® is a complete thermal energy storage system, designed to be retrofitted into industry processes, providing a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels by delivering high-temperature clean heat generated from electricity.
SiBox® reduces the cost of industrial process heat by charging when electricity is cheaper.
These modular and scalable bricks possess remarkable attributes of high-energy density and high thermal conductivity. 1414 Degrees has a partnership with a top-tier European manufacturer to develop and mass manufacture SiBricks using their existing infrastructure.
SiBricks are currently undergoing rigorous testing in our SiBox® Demonstration Module, storing and delivering high temperature latent heat. This critical work brings us closer to our vision of electrifying industrial processing and revolutionising the way we meet energy demands.