Share Purchase Plan Offer extended

Share Purchase Plan Offer extended

1414 Degrees is please to advise the SPP is near target and will be extended for an additional week to now close on Friday, 20 September 2024.

Under the SPP, eligible shareholders are invited to subscribe for up to $30,000 of new fully paid ordinary shares in the Company at an issue price of $0.06 (6 cents) per new Share, free of all brokerage and commissions.

Full details of the offer are contained in an offer booklet which was made available to shareholders and released on the ASX on Friday, 23 August 2024

Revised timetable

Event  Date 
Record Date (date for determining shareholders’ entitlements to participate in SPP Offer)  6:30pm (ACST) Thursday 15August 2024 
Announcement of SPP Offer  Friday 16August 2024 
Despatch of SPP Offer documentation   Friday 23 August 2024 
Opening Date for SPP Offer  Friday 23 August 2024 
Closing Date for SPP Offer  4.30pm (ACST) Friday 20 September 2024 
Issue of new Shares under the SPP Offer  Friday 27 September 2024 
Quotation of new Shares on ASX  Monday 30 September 2024 

Visit the Share Purchase Plan Offer page for further details:


Directors subscribe to Share Purchase Plan

Directors subscribe to Share Purchase Plan

1414 Degrees Board of Directors have once again shown their confidence in the future of the company by subscribing a total of $75,000 to the Share Purchase Plan (SPP) announced by the Company on 16 August 2024.
This SPP presents an opportunity for eligible shareholders to extend their investment in 1414 Degrees.
Executive Chairman, Dr Kevin Moriarty, commented: “The Directors’ involvement in the Share Purchase Plan highlights their confidence in 1414 Degrees’ ability to realise near-term earnings potential, expedite hydrogen reactor development, decarbonise high-temperature industrial heat, as well as their commitment to enhancing shareholder value.”
We would like to remind all eligible shareholders that the SPP is scheduled to close at 4:30pm (ACST) on September 13, 2024 (unless varied by the Directors in accordance with the Listing Rules and applicable law). We encourage all eligible shareholders to carefully consider this opportunity to join us in our renewed mission to decarbonise high temperature industrial heat and contribute to global net-zero targets.
Eligible shareholders are able to view the documents and apply online by visiting
Visit to watch a video about our plans for the future.
Read the full ASX announcement here.
Share Purchase Plan Offer opens

Share Purchase Plan Offer opens

1414 Degrees has opened a Share Purchase Plan (SPP) Offer, to advance several commercial opportunities to realise near-term cash earning potential. 

The SPP opened to Eligible Shareholders today (Friday, 23 August 2024) and will close at 4:30pm ACST on Friday, 13 September 2024.  

Eligible shareholders should have received an email about the offer on Friday, 23 August, titled “1414 Degrees Limited Share Purchase Plan”, providing specific details about how to participate. 

Funds raised under the SPP are intended to be used for purposes including: 

  • completing development of the Aurora Energy Precinct’s grid scale 140MW/280MWh Li-ion battery to financial investment decision, including securing connection to the transmission network and national electricity market 
  • securing a contract for SiBox technology in an industry setting, and mass manufacturing trials for SiBrick 
  • fast-tracking development and commercialisation of the SiPHyR hydrogen production technology. 

Visit the Share Purchase Plan Offer page for further details:


June 2024 Quarterly Activity Report

June 2024 Quarterly Activity Report

1414 Degrees provided an update to the ASX, outlining progress on key milestones during the period ending 30 June 2024.

Executive Chairman, Dr Kevin Moriarty wrote to shareholders summarising key updates including progress on:

  • commercial readiness and strategic partnerships
  • SiBox® industrial process testing
  • The SiPHyR™ hydrogen reactor technology and the aim to own and commercialise a device that can be connected to existing natural gas and biogas supplies, replacing methane with hydrogen and
  • the Aurora Renewable Energy Precinct negotiations to connect to the national electricity grid.

You can read the full announcement to the ASX here.

Partnership for hydrogen development project signed-off

Partnership for hydrogen development project signed-off

We’re pleased to announce we’ve formalised a partnership with key companies and institutions to develop our SiPHyR™ (SiBrick-integrated Pyrolytic Hydrogen Reactor) technology.

The SiPHyR project, which is designed to produce hydrogen and solid carbon using methane pyrolysis, has received a significant boost to its development from Woodside Energy Technologies (Woodside).

A $1 million contribution will be made by Woodside consisting of direct funding and the provision of subject matter expertise.

This investment underscores the commitment of all parties involved in advancing lower-carbon energy solutions.

1414 Degrees’ Executive Chairman, Dr Kevin Moriarty, said “the signing of the Agreement is a critical milestone. The contribution from Woodside will support the integration of our silicon thermal energy storage with a new fluid reactor technology to potentially reduce hydrogen production costs and emissions.”

SiPHyR integrates licensed designs from the University of Adelaide (UoA) with 1414 Degrees’ silicon based thermal energy storage technology, SiBrick®, to enable continuous hydrogen production from intermittent renewable electricity.

The technology team includes experts from UoA, Woodside, Vulcan Steel, and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, supported by a $2.5 million Australian Government grant under the Cooperative Research Centres Project.

The project aims to advance SiPHyR from its current Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 2 to TRL 5 within three years. A critical deliverable of this project is a detailed plan for a scaled demonstration at TRL 7 within two years of this project’s completion, ensuring the technology’s readiness for commercialisation.

Read the full announcement to the ASX  for more details on how this technology will produce lower emissions hydrogen at a cost comparable to current emissions-intensive methods.

New hydrogen processing technology for 14D

New hydrogen processing technology for 14D

In a further development of our strategy to use our technology to produce low-emissions hydrogen, 1414 Degrees is pleased to announce it has acquired exclusive rights to a new method for producing net zero hydrogen from natural gas.

This invention by the University of Adelaide (UoA) is the subject of an international patent application.

The rights are in addition to rights acquired in January, also from the UoA, for a dual-column fluid reactor which is an integral component of our methane pyrolysis hydrogen technology.

The complementary UoA inventions comprise a complete technology for efficient low-emission hydrogen production.

1414 Degrees will progress development of these technologies and integrate them with our silicon-based thermal energy storage solution, with the aim to commercialise “decarbonised gas” as a turn-key solution for industrial heat users.

The new patent is for a process optimising energy use and increasing the efficiency of conversion of natural gas to hydrogen and carbon. The process involves innovative gas-recycling and heat recovery, along with optimised temperature, pressure and separation ratios which can achieve higher reaction efficiencies compared to the existing processes.

By incorporating our SiBrick® silicon storage into the technology, we plan to increase the use of renewable energy and potentially eliminate the need to use hydrogen or methane for process heat, further increasing the hydrogen yield from the process. Using renewable power and hybridising with biogas would result in zero net carbon dioxide emissions.

Dr. Kevin Moriarty, 1414 Degrees Executive Chairman said: “incorporating our silicon storage technologies will allow charging to occur when electricity prices are low, while sustaining round-the-clock heat supply for production in a factory. We are excited to use these patents in our quest to decarbonise high temperature industries.”